Date: Mon Feb 26, 2001 5:59pm Hi Elizabeth. Sorry to but in on your conversation with Maria, but I noticed you mentioned swelling on Celexa. I am experiencing this on Zoloft, the swelling thing, and I thought you would be interested in my Dr.'s reaction when I first told him. I have swelling most noticably in my eyelids, but also my face and hands. I was in my shrink's office and I told him about my eyelids and his reply was "are you sure this isn't just one of your obsessions?" So, yet another "Dr.'s are Dumb" story. I am curious to hear what happens with your swelling. My Doc told me to stop the Zoloft for the weekend and I have an appt with him today. So far, 3 days of taking nothing at all and I feel just fine (thank God) - no side effects. I am under the impression that your swelling went away - has it come back ? Mine came and seems to be here to stay. The message on the Celexa board (message above) was posted by me. Nothing like a little support from the big shot Docs, ehh?! Maybe I will have another Dr. Dummy tidbit for you all this afternoon. I have an appt. to discuss getting off of these nutty Zoloft pills. Jennifer Date: Mon Feb 26, 2001 6:13pm Response1: Hi Jennifer and welcome to the group again. Please ask your doctor for the oral suspension (liquid form) of Zoloft. It's supposedly for kids but much easier to use for weaning off.(Thank you Renee again for the info) And please keep us informed. B.t.w. is there any improvement in your swelling condition ? Charly Date: Tue Feb 27, 2001 0:26am Response2: Hi, when I stopped Zoloft the withdrawal effects didn't hit me until about 1 week later. Just a warning that they still might come. Debbie Date: Mon Feb 26, 2001 6:28pm Hi Charles! I don't know if you caught an earlier posting of mine, but along with the swelling, my blood pressure (normally 120/70) soared up to 153/98! I couldn't walk up a flight of stairs without feeling like I just ran the NY Marathon! I am happy to say that after 3 days off Zoloft (I had weaned down to 50 mg. and I have no withdrawal side effects so far) that my blood pressure is starting to go down. Another bizzaro thing that happened to me was that I would CONSTANTLY have the "chills" and "goosebumps". Mostly on my calves. It drove me insane!! That, too, has subsided tremendously. However, (you knew that was coming) my swollen eyelids don't seem much better to me. I figure it must take a little time for this junk to get out of your system. Jennifer Date: Mon Feb 26, 2001 9:47pm So Part II of my Dr. Schmuck Stupid Idiot Doctors of the World saga ends today. I harassed my Dr. into seeing me to discuss getting off of Zoloft and trying Celexa because of all of the side effects I am having. So I have been off Z for 3 days now and my blood pressure this morning had actually gone down a bit. But at my Dr. appt. it had actually gone up the highest ever -- 170/80!! Oh my God, I'm gonna blow!! He didn't believe the numbers so he took it again. So I asked him if it was the meds that are messing with my poor body (already knowing in my heart that it was) and, sit down everyone, he said "Oh, No, it's not the meds". Hmmm.... Then he writes me a prescription for 40 mg. (YES - 40 MILLIGRAMS) of Celexa and tells me that before I start them he wants me to get a blood test. When I ask him what for he says he wants to make sure my liver is OK. Now I'm starting to panic. My liver? What does my liver have to do with anything? Finally, Mr. Bedside Manor says "Well, I would like them to test you to be sure you don't have a TUMOR ON YOUR LIVER." Any reactions? Anyone? Jennifer Date: Mon Feb 26, 2001 10:22pm Response1: Hi, Collissa here. I'm a "Wellbutrin from Hellbutrin", (as my kids call it), survivor, if you can call it that. I have continuing neuro and many other problems going on after two and a half years post cessation. I only took the drug as prescribed for three and a half days. Anyway, I checked on the Celexa, and it is NASTY. In our research we are discovering that the drugs that are metabolized in certain enzyme systems in the liver appear to lead to toxic levels of the drug by messing up how the enzyme systems are supposed to work for us to metabolize these drugs. I have a sneaking suspicion your particular "great learned one" suspects either one of two things, depending on how knowledgeable he is: 1. you already have some type of liver problems which would contribute to toxicity, (as if either of the drugs are not already toxic enough on their own!), or, 2. he knows the drug can muff your liver, making you toxic were you to take it. I'm not sure if you realize this is only another SSRI and you may be asking for BIG trouble going to it. Add to that the fact that you will be experiencing the withdrawal effects of the other drug, and you could be wishing you'd never met the man. My two cents. SSRI's are very, very dangerous to many. Wish I had some magic solution. When I find it, I'll be the first to have it trailed on a banner across the skies behind a bright neon red airplane!!! Best of luck. BE AWARE. I would advise you go to or find clinical pharmacology 2000 through a web search and look up the product monographs on both of the drugs before you agree to ingest ANYTHING. Even with the scary stuff you'll find there, you won't get the whole truth which oftimes is a whole lot scarier. Take care, Collissa Date: Mon Feb 26, 2001 10:42pm Response2: This guy is a freaking MORON! He's really testing you for liver enzymes!! Does he think we are all STUPID??? A tumor wouldn't show up in a blood test! DUH!!! And for God's sake, don't take Celexa. Another mind-rotting poison. Trisha Date: Tue Feb 27, 2001 1:12am Response3: 40mgs of Celexa (Cipramil) turned me into a paranoid zombie within 6 weeks. As for the liver test, I had one after withdrawing from Celexa because my skin had changed colour, yellowish tinge. People were commenting that I looked tanned. Nothing showed up in the tests, but I'm sure it had something to do with the meds. Debbie